John 5:24 • Put Your Butt in the Seat

In John 5 verse 24, after emphatically declaring to the Jewish leaders that He is co-equal with the Heavenly Father, Jesus goes on to say that FOR anyone who responds to His message by believing in the Father, three things become true: Something has already happened, something will never happen, and something is happening right now. But before we look a little closer at these, let’s make sure we understand what He meant by believing in the Father.

The Greek word translated as, “believes,” in this verse, is a word that conveys more than just concluding that the design of a chair, for instance, could support your weight. This word is about the action that FLOWS from that conclusion and results in actually putting your butt in the seat. It’s about trust, and trust that results in commitment.

Jesus was calling these leaders, everyone overhearing that conversation, and all who have heard these words since to take action on what they’ve heard and place the full weight of their faith on Him. And if that describes you, I’ve got some excellent news.

First, you have already, as Jesus said, “passed from death into life.” The spiritual death that was the result of your sin is now behind you – forgiven, cleansed, covered – and up ahead as far as you can see is the gift of life that God gives His kids.

Second, you will never experience judgement, not now, or at any time in the future. No matter how hard the Devil may try to bring you under condemnation, according to Romans 8 verse 1, that shame no longer has your name on it.

And third, you ARE living in the stream of “everlasting life” right now. And Jesus wasn’t just talking about its duration – how long it lasts. He was talking about the type of life it is. This verse employs the Greek word, zoe, which the New Testament uses to describe the kind of life God has – deeper, richer in every way than mere existence or anything this world can offer.

All of this is yours as a result of your faith in Christ. Dear one, live every minute of this day in the awareness of that.

OH! And if by chance you haven’t yet become a believer, what are you waiting for? Put your butt in the seat.