John 6:5-6 • The Outcome is Never in Doubt

John chapter 6 verse 5 moves us into the “loaves and fishes” narrative. A massive crowd of 5,000 men plus women and children was approaching. And when Jesus saw the multitude, He asked one of the Disciples a question: “How are we going to feed all these people?”

Then, verse 6 tells us two very important things WE should remember whenever WE encounter a need that has the potential to overwhelm us whether it’s spiritual, physical, financial, or relational.

First, we’re told the Lord was using it as a test. Need always does that – tests our faith. And although these trials can seriously rock our world and challenge us to our core, God’s purpose in allowing them is NEVER to disqualify or defeat us. It’s always to reveal both how far He’s already brought us and to expose areas of trust He wants to help us grow into.

It’s like the gym that a friend of mine manages. All day everyday, people walk through his doors determined to put their bodies to the test. They pay my friend’s company for the opportunity to be challenged with weights, machines, and instructors for the benefit of seeing their health, strength and fitness increase.

In the same way, the Bible tells us to REJOICE when our faith is tested because it’s increasing our spiritual health. God is using it for our good.

The second thing verse 6 tells us is that Jesus knew in advance what He was going to do. The outcome was NEVER in doubt. God is in control. And oh, how good is that! As believers, these what-in-the-world-am-going-to-do kind of situations always reach us through the filter of God’s love, mercy, and grace. We square off against them in an environment managed by the power of the Sovereign God. As His kids, we are never – and I repeat, NEVER – in jeopardy.

Now, I can’t know what kind of need may be testing you today. But Jesus does. And as challenging as it may seem, remember these soul-securing truths. One, if you let Him, your Savior will use it to strengthen your faith muscles. And two, Jesus already has a rock-solid plan for meeting that need.

Trust Him!