John 6:11a • The Power of Gratitude

The first part of John 6 verse 11 says that AFTER Jesus had received the loaves and fishes from the young man and BEFORE those meager provisions became bounty, He gave thanks.

Now, EVERYTHING Jesus said and did was intentional, purposeful, and strategic. Among other things, He was modeling for us what a life of faith looks like. So, it’s incredibly important to pay close attention to EVERY move He made and EVERY word He spoke.

There’s a reason He paused en route to a miracle of provision to first give thanks. And since I’m often in need of God’s supernatural provision, I want to understand why. What was He thankful for? I think it’s clear He was thankful for what He’d already been given – five loaves and two fish.

They weren’t nearly enough, but Jesus focused on what He’d been given, not on what was still needed. And there’s something extremely powerful about that heart-posture that opens the door for the Lord’s supernatural supply.

But to be honest, when I’m in need…of money, healing, wisdom, comfort, guidance…gratitude is not usually my response. In fact, quite the opposite. I’m far more likely to complain, expressing my impatience and even venting my anger than to be grateful.

And you know what I’ve found? Thanklessness is habit-forming, and it poisons my soul. So that when God in His faithfulness does supply my need, I’m more likely to think, “Well, it’s about time,” than to fall on my knees with praise for His goodness. And ultimately, I think that makes me less likely to even recognize the wonderful miracles He regularly performs on my behalf.

I wonder if that might be true for you too. What do you say we choose to survey the circumstances we’re in today noting with thankfulness what we’ve already been given instead of grumbling about what we still need? I wonder how that might change what happens next?