John 6:37-40 sits at one of the hotspots of the predestination / free will discussion that people much wiser and devoted than me have gone back and forth about for centuries. And, although I have a deeply held opinion about this issue, I’m certain that nothing I have to say will change anyone’s mind. So, I want to be upfront with the fact that I’m just not going address that aspect of this passage.
Instead, I’d like to talk about how these verses reveal that there’s more than one way to SEE something. For example, when I open my eyes and view the things in my field of vision, I’m SEEING them. But if I take it a step further and carefully consider what my eyes have observed, it often results in an awareness or understanding that can also be describe as SEEING. I can SEE a painting hanging on a wall. But as I consider its artistic significance, I can come to SEE its depth, beauty, meaning, and importance. And I’m raising this distinction because it helps illuminate an important truth contained in these verses.
In verse 36, Jesus had addressed the crowd that personally witnessed His power when He fed them by multiplying the loaves and fish. He said they’d SEEN Him but did not believe. Now, in verse 40, He says that everyone who SEES Him AND believes will have everlasting life.
These two verses use two different Greek words to describe two different ways of SEEING resulting in two VERY different outcomes.
In English we have a saying, “Seeing is believing.” But according to Jesus here, that’s not always true. For instance, I think you’d agree that it’s entirely possible for someone to SEE evidence of the power of God and still make the choice to not believe.
But since you’ve taken the time to listen to me today, it’s likely that you’ve SEEN and do believe. You’ve observed the display of God’s power hanging in the gallery of the natural world, considered the exquisite truth depicted in His Word, contemplated the gorgeous image of His grace portrayed in the cross, and as a result have chosen to place your faith in Him as Savior.
But that SEEING and believing is not just a one-time event. The Bible says in several places that we who have been justified by our faith in Jesus “live by faith.” Our believing is a daily thing. And I would suggest to you that daily believing involves daily SEEING. Just because I’ve already chosen to believe doesn’t mean I can afford to allow myself to stop carefully observing, considering, responding to, and delighting in the experiences of the revelation of the Lord on view moment-by-moment.
I want to SEE Him today. How about you?