John 6:43-44 • It’s All Him

In John 6:43-44, Jesus responded to the faithless murmurings of the Jewish religious elite regarding His claim of divinity. He said that embracing this truth is a response to something God initiates. It starts with Him not us. The process that results in placing faith in Christ begins with God drawing us toward belief.

There’s something wonderful about that don’t you think? To realize that my faith in Jesus as Savior began with the Heavenly Father pursuing me – enticing me – takes my breath away. I am His child because He WANTED me. And if that weren’t amazing enough, Jesus went on to say that my relationship with Him will endure through the last day of my life in this world, and then, He will raise me up into His eternal presence.

And that reminds me of something.

Our youngest grandchildren are one-year-old twin girls. And the other day, I was watching one of them playing on the floor. I called out her name. And when she turned to look at me, I reached out to her, and she started crawling toward me. I gathered her up in my arms, snuggled her, kissed her cheek, told her I loved her, and would have held her like that all day if I could have.

Now, I know it’s an imperfect example, but a relationship with Jesus is like that. It’s all Him not us. It’s not about us finding Him or trying desperately to hold on to Him once we do. He reaches out to us. And then, when we respond to His great love, He wraps us in his embrace and holds on forever.

Dear One, rest in His love today. He desires you. He’s holding on to you. And no matter what, He won’t let go.