John 8:51-55 • The Journey Continues

When my wife and I moved to the Los Angeles area, I began power walking down to the Manhattan Beach pier on most days. That’s a three-mile round trip from our home and involves climbing several steep hills.

At first, the trek was quite taxing, and I couldn’t imagine going any farther. In my mind, I saw that pier as my terminus, the point where I had to turn back if I was going to have the energy to make it home. But an interesting thing happened. Over time, as my fitness increased, I began to see beyond the pier. I found myself able to walk farther along the beach before heading back. And now, I no longer see that pier as the end of my route. It’s just a landmark on a longer journey.

As a Jesus-follower, a similar thing happened regarding how I see death. Because of the grace of Christ, I no longer view it as the end of my life. It doesn’t mark the conclusion of my hopes, dreams, expectations, and desires. It’s just a milestone I will pass along my eternal journey. And that’s what Jesus was referring to in John chapter 8 verse 51.

He was continuing his response to a verbal assault from the religious leaders. He told them that anyone who keeps his word will not see death. And I’d like to stop and consider the three key words in that statement: anyone, keep, and see.

First, take note that he addressed the promise to anyone. And that had to include the Jewish leaders he was addressing and had just accused of seeking to kill him. Imagine that! Even after exposing their hatred toward him, he still offered them a pathway to the grace of God. And if that’s true, then his invitation clearly extends to every one of us.

Second, this promise is available to those who keep his word. Jesus was clarifying that there’s a difference between those who receive his message and those who keep it, between those who hear it and those who hold on to it. It’s not enough to just be acquainted with it, we need to embrace it.

And finally, he said those who do will not see death. It’s clear from the following verses (52-55) where he ceded the point that Abraham and the prophets have all died, that he wasn’t saying his followers wouldn’t die physically. Instead, he was promising that they would no longer see death in the same way. They would view their lives as extending beyond it into eternity. Instead of marking life’s final boundary, it would be seen as merely a mile-marker along a wondrous journey in relationship with him toward an infinite horizon.

Hebrews chapter 2 verse 15 tells us that part of the victory of Christ’s cross was the release of all those who have been bound by a fear of death. Jesus has defeated it on our behalf and made it possible for us to see beyond it and experience the security that comes from knowing the journey continues.

Through faith in Jesus, we can all find rest in the peace of that promise right now.