John 4:39-42 • It’s Got to be Personal

In John chapter 4 verses 39-42, we’re told that many people from the city of Sycar became believers because of the testimony of the Samaritan woman. And, hallelujah, may we all have that kind of gospel impact on our communities. But, it goes on to say that many more came to faith in Christ because they heard Him for themselves. And then, the passage closes by making it clear that, really, all of the people put their faith in Jesus because they met Him personally.

And that makes me think about the tendency of Christians that’s as old as the church itself to insert a layer of “celebrity” ministers or “professional” Christians into a space between us and Jesus. Here’s what I mean.

I think all of us know what it’s like to be deeply impacted by the ministry of a great Christian leader, speaker, teacher, pastor, writer, or worship musician. And that’s wonderful unless the result is that we start allowing our relationship with Jesus to be THROUGH them.

I’m standing here by this film lighting gear because a movie scene is being shot just behind me over there at a location near my home. And as I was walking by, I was reminded of this topic.

When I watch a movie, I experience a story THROUGH the talent and skill of professionals: actors, writers, directors, camera operators, etc. But I can’t let my Christian life become like that, where I’m experiencing the unfolding story of my relationship with Jesus THROUGH the talent, skill, or even the calling and anointing of anyone else. It’s got to be PERSONAL.

May our lives be richly blessed by the devotion of prominent and influential Christian leaders, but let’s make sure to have a “first-person,” “real-time” relationship with Jesus today.